How to write HTML and CSS code easily and faster?
July 19, 2017CSS,Website,Website design,Coding,HTML
How to write HTML and CSS code easily and faster? Write HTML and CSS code In faster & easy way with Emmet- As a web developer and designer everybody wants to complete their work in simple and easy way, well with the help of Emmet you can type code easily and faster. I’m using here Sublime text editor, Emmet is also available for more editor like TextMate, Coda,…
Recipe for Success
July 6, 2017Business,Opportunity,Planning,Reality,Success,Inspiration,Lessons
Recipe for SuccessRecipe- Success
Serves- Everyone!
What are the Ingredients?
Goal setting, Idea, Desire to learn, Positive attitude, Planning, Responsibility, Efforts, Market vision, Try your best, Encouragement, Sportsmanship, Hope, Imagination, Respect for others, Teamwork, Cooperation, Challenges, Focus, Communication, Patient, Some fun, Smiles, Life loving.
Invention of Smiley Emoticon (Harvey Ross Ball)
April 11, 2017Success,Invention,Popular
Invention of Smiley Emoticon (Harvey Ross Ball)While reading the newspaper today, a question raised in my mind by seeing that ‘Smiling face icon’. A curiosity to know that who is the man behind this Smiley face. Harvey Ross Ball, co-owner of an advertising & public relations firm in Worcester, Massachusetts designed the Smiley face in 1963. He was born on…
Kalpana Chawla an Inspiration
February 2, 2017Opportunity,Reality,Success,Inspiration
Kalpana Chawla an Inspiration
Kalpana chawla, the first Indian woman astronaut who stepped in space, was one of the seven astronauts who lost their life in Space…
Reasons to Redesign your Website
December 14, 2016Technology,Websitebrand,redesign,technology,trends
Reasons to Redesign your WebsiteIs it time to redesign?
1.) Your website isn’t responsive or Mobile friendly.
2.) You are launching a new…
How to download file in Safari
How to download file in SafariPHP file download application for Safari :
1. To start with create a folder “filedownload”.
2. Create two new files inside the “filedownload” folder and call them file_download.php and xyz.csv.
3. In file_download.php file start typing the following: